Research and Resources

Books and Articles by John Hamel

All research articles are available for free upon request. Contact John Hamel at


 Hamel, J., & Russell, B. (2022 publication). Gender and domestic violence:  Contemporary legal practice and intervention reforms.  New York:  Oxford University Press.

Hamel, J. (2014).  Gender-inclusive treatment of intimate partner abuse, 2nd Edition:  Evidence-based approaches.  New York:  Springer.

Hamel, J. (2008).  Intimate partner and family abuse:  A casebook of gender inclusive therapy. New York:  Springer.

Hamel, J., & Nicholls, T. (2007).  Family interventions in domestic violence:  A Handbook of gender-inclusive theory and treatment. New York:  Springer

Hamel, J. (2005).  Gender-inclusive treatment of intimate partner abuse:  A comprehensive approach.  New York:  Springer.

Book Chapters

Lysova, A., Hamel, J., & Nicholls, T.L.  (2023). Intimate partner violence.  In P. Zapf & B.Cutler (Eds.), American Psychological Association Handbook of Forensic Psychology, 2nd Edition. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Hamel, J. (2023).  Systems-informed group interventions:  Treating court mandated men involved in relationships characterized by bi-directional aggression.  In L. Dixon, D. Hines & E. Douglas (Eds.), The Routledge handbook on men’s victimization in intimate relationships.  New York: Routledge.

Hamel, J., & Baker, K. (2022).  Custody and intervention recommendations in family law cases: A gender-inclusive framework.  In:  J. Hamel & B. Russell (Eds.), Gender and domestic violence:  Contemporary legal practice and intervention reforms. New York:  Oxford University Press.

Hamel, J., Dutton, D., & Lysova, A. (2022).  Intimate partner homicide and the battered person syndrome.  In:  J. Hamel & B. Russell (Eds.), Gender and domestic violence:  Contemporary legal practice and intervention reforms. New York:  Oxford University Press.

Hamel, J., & Ennis, D. (2022).  Holding perpetrators accountable:   Evidence-based interview procedures and risk assessment instruments.  In:  J. Hamel & B. Russell (Eds.), Gender and domestic violence:  Contemporary legal practice and intervention reforms. New York:  Oxford University Press.

Hamel, J., & Russell, B. (2022).  Introduction:  The problem with the gender paradigm.  In:  J. Hamel & B. Russell (Eds.), Gender and domestic violence:  Contemporary legal practice and intervention reforms. New York:  Oxford University Press.

Hamel, J. (2020).  Beyond gender:  Finding common ground in evidence-based batterer intervention.  In B. Russell (Ed.), Intimate Partner Violence and the LGBT+ Community:  Understanding power dynamics (pp. 195-226).  New York:  Springer.

Hamel, J. (2019.) The evolution of evidence-based treatment for domestic violence perpetrators. In E. A. Bates & J. C. Taylor (Eds.), Intimate Partner Violence: New Perspectives in Research and Practice (pp. 89-106). New York:  Routledge.

Hamel, J. & Sonkin, D. (2018).  Domestically violent offenders:  Treatment approaches.  In:  Morgan (Ed.), The Sage encyclopedia of criminal psychology. Thousand Oak, CA: Sage.

Hamel, J. (2017).  Understanding and intervening with partner abuse.  In:  J.L. Ireland, C.A.

Ireland, N. Gredecki & M. Fisher (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Forensic Psychology in Secure Settings (pp. 362-373).  Routledge, Abingdon: Oxon.

Hamel, J. (2014).  Clinical application:  Intimate partner violence perpetrators.  In: L.R. Grossman & S. Walfish (Eds.), Translating psychological research into practice (pp.      540-544). New York: Springer.

Hamel, J., & Russell, B. (2013).  The Partner Abuse State of Knowledge Project:  Implications for law enforcement responses to domestic violence.  In:  B. Russell (Ed.), Perceptions of Female Offenders: How Stereotypes and Social Norms Affect Criminal Justice Responses (pp. 151-180).  New York: Springer.

Nicholls, T. L., & Hamel, J. (2013). Intimate partner violence.  In P. Zapf & B. Cutler (Eds.), American Psychological Association Handbook of Forensic Psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Hamel, J. (2008). Beyond ideology:  Alternative therapies for domestic violence.  In:  J. Hamel (Ed), Intimate partner and family abuse:  A casebook of gender inclusive therapy (pp. 3-26). New York:  Springer.

Hamel, J. (2007).  Domestic violence:  A gender inclusive conception.  In:  J. Hamel & T. Nicholls, Family Interventions in Domestic violence:  A Handbook of Gender-Inclusive Theory and Treatment (pp. 3-26).  New York:  Springer.

Hamel, J. (2007).  Gender inclusive family interventions in domestic violence:  An overview.  In:  J. Hamel & T. Nicholls (Eds), Family Interventions in Domestic violence:  A Handbook of Gender-Inclusive Theory and Treatment (pp. 247-274).  New York:  Springer.

Hamel, J. (2007).  Male victims of domestic violence and reasons why they stay with their abuser.  In:  N. Jackson (Ed.), Domestic Violence Encyclopedia (pp. 457-459).  New York: Routledge.

 Journal Articles

NOTE:  Request author vitae for articles prior to 2010.

Hamel, J., Cannon, C., & Graham-Kevan, N. (2023).  The consequences of psychological abuse and control in intimate partner relationships.  Traumatology.

Drouin, C., Deslauriers, J.M., Hamel, J., & Higgs, T. (2023). Collaboration agreements for preventing intrafamilial homicides.  Journal of Aggression, Conflict, and Peace Research.

Hamel, J., Buttell, F., Ferreira, R., & Roy, V. (2021).  IPV Perpetrator groups:  Client engagement, and the role of facilitators.  Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

 Cannon, C., Corvo, K., Buttell, F., & Hamel, J, (2021).  Barriers to advancing the evidence-based practice of psychology, social work, and other mental health disciplines in domestic violence perpetrator treatment:  Ideology, public funding, or both?  Partner Abuse, 12 (2), 221-237.

Hamel, J. , Cannon, C., Buttell, F., & Ferreira, R. (2021).  A survey of intimate partner violence perpetrator treatment programs:  Are we ready for evidence-based practice?  Partner Abuse, 12 (1).

Hamel, J. (2020).  Explaining symmetry across sex in intimate partner violence:  Evolution, gender roles, and the will to harm.  Partner Abuse, 11 (3).

Charlot, N., Gay, B., Baker, E., Hamel, J., Fisher, J., Klein, L.B., Richmond, C., Miyamoto, S….& Risser, H. (2020).  Let’s talk about the science of victim’s services:  Talking points for advocates. Research to Policy Collaboration.  Retrieved from:

Hamel, J. (2020).  Perpetrator or victim? A review of the complexities of domestic violence cases. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 12 (2), 55-62.

Cannon, C., Hamel, J., Buttell, F., & Ferreira, R. (2020, June).   The pursuit of evidence-based practice in batterer intervention:  The role of professional licensure and theoretical orientation. Evidence-Based Social Work. DOI: 10.1080/26408066.2020.1775744

Hamel, J. (2019, October). Intimate partner violence:  Gender issues and the adjudication of homicide and other cases.  Criminological Research Policy and Practice.

Sonkin, D., Hamel, J., Ferreira, R., Buttell, F., & Frietas, M. (2019). The relationship between attachment anxiety, attachment avoidance and psychological violence in a sample of male and female court-mandated batterers.  Violence and Victims, 34 (6), 910-929.

Hamel, J. (2016).  In the best interests of children:  What family law attorneys should know about domestic violence.  Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, Vol. 28, 201-228.

Babcock, J. et al. (2016), Domestic violence perpetrator programs:  A proposal for evidence-based standards in the United States.  Partner Abuse, 7 (4), 1-107.

Cannon, C., Hamel, J., Buttell, F. P., & Ferreira, R. J. (2016). A survey of domestic violence perpetrator programs in the U.S. and Canada: Findings and implications for policy intervention. Partner Abuse, 7 (3), 226-276.

Elmquist, J., Clevenger-Wolford, C., Zapor, H., Febres, J., Shorey, R.C., Hamel, J., & Stuart, G.L. (In Press). A gender comparison of motivations for physical dating violence among college students. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 31, 186-203.

Hamel, J., Ferreira, R., & Buttell, F. (2015, March).  Gender and batterer intervention: Implications of a program evaluation for policy and treatment.  Research in Social Work Practice.

Hamel, J., Jones, D., Dutton, D., & Graham-Kevan, N. (2015).  The CAT: A gender-inclusive measure of abusive and controlling tactics.  Violence and Victims, 30 (4), 547-580.

Sielski, C.,  Begun, A., & Hamel, J. (2015).  Expanding knowledge concerning the Safe at Home Instrument for assessing readiness-to-change among perpetrators of intimate partner violence.  Partner Abuse, 6 (3). 255-272.

 Hamel, J. (2014, May/June).  Batterer intervention:  Creating evidence-based programs.  The Therapist

Elmquist, J., Hamel, J., Shorey, R.C., Labrecque, L., Ninnemann, A., & Stuart, G.L. (2014).  Motivations for intimate partner violence in men and women arrested for domestic violence and court referred to batterer intervention programs Partner Abuse, 5 (4). 

Hamel, J. (2013, November).  Are mental health issues the main cause of domestic violence?:  Yes.  CQ Researcher, 23 (41), 997.  Thousand Oaks:  Sage.

Esquivel-Santovena, E., Lambert, T., & Hamel, J. (2013). Partner abuse worldwide.         Partner Abuse, 4(1), 6-75.

Hamel, J. (2012).  “But she’s violent, too!”:  Holding domestic violence offenders accountable within a systemic approach to batterer intervention.  Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 4 (3), 124-135.

Hamel, J. (2011).  In dubious battle:  The politics of mandatory arrest and dominant aggressor laws.  Partner Abuse, 2 (2), 224-245.

Hamel, J. (2010).  Do we want to be politically correct, or do we want to reduce partner abuse in our communities?  Partner Abuse, 1 (1), 82-91.

Hamel, J. (2010).  The treatment of partner violence:  Towards evidence-based practice.  The Forensic Therapist, 9 (1), 9-14.

Dutton, D., Hamel, J. & Aaronson, J. (2010).  The gender paradigm in family court processes: Re-balancing the scales of justice from biased social science. Journal of Child Custody, 7 (1)